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​7-C: Heat and Temperature

1.1) Investigate and interpret examples of heat-related technologies and energy use in the past (e.g.,investigate uses of  heat for domestic purposes, such as cooking or home heating, and for industrial processes, such as ceramics,

metallurgy or use of engines)


7-D: Structures and Forces

1.3) Describe and compare example structures developed by different cultures and at different times; and interpret differences in functions, materials and aesthetics (e.g., describe traditional designs of indigenous people and peoples of other cultures; compare classical and current designs; investigate the role of symmetry in design)


7-E Planet Earth

2.3) describe local rocks and sediments, and interpret ways they may have formed






Science and Technology Social and Environmental Contexts of Science and Technology

Curriculum Knowledge Connections

Possible Extensions

Because asbestos was so widespread, its impact on society is still felt today.  Extensions will therefore try to utilize the real connections the mineral has with students lives.

  • Try having students talk to their family after the class about their own experiences with asbestos

  • Have students research a well known local building that was built with asbestos

  • Research the closest former asbestos mine; where is it, what is the geology like?



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